Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Black Pit

Holding back the sobs
I can't reveal this hideout to you
when our foreheads are pressed against each other
I need you to breathe the air for me
until it's softer to inhale
and I can eventually pull some in
I have someone to love
I'm minor no more but part of this society

The last black pit of my mind
I need to savor it for later days
so I'll always appreciate the time you put into healing me
Excuse me if I have to retreat there every now and then
but I want to remember my past
even the times when it almost took my life

With my own hand
I almost became your angel
But isn't this better

I have someone to love
Your heart beat is the sign for me
it lets me know I made it out there alive
Every god turned their backs on me
as they realized I couldn't be saved
but all it took was a human to turn these tracks around
Finally I know what humane means

The last desperate vortex of my bad days
It'll never scar away but remain sore
but what does it matter
It's all I need to love you
and I need you to make this world softer
so I can face it by myself
when you're busy with something else

Inspired by a fanfic and Big Bang's "Somebody to Love" that I happen to like very muc indeed.

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