Monday, December 19, 2011


Let's presume I was a hero
that suddenly I knew it to be my part
if I can't do anything useful with what to support myself
Yes, if I was a hero
weak but excellent enough
to win myself when the time arose
and then I would also love you so much
that the power of that emotion would wear down mountains and reshape the sky

I suppose first I would need to stop the distress corroding myself
and win my own desire to give in to fatigue

As a hero I would perform feats of valor
such as saving you from flying vipers
and building a castle where the nightmares can't reach
and then I'd ride and be incredibly brave
in the name of love, cherishing you in my thoughts

At the moment the most heroic thing to do would probably be to get a grib
wearing a happier face and to make your worries disappear
to suffocate your fears to death
when they couldn't get any air to use from my behavior

And heroes are also selfless
so I too would refuse food and a warm room
when the situation would so demand
And I wouldn't be afraid of anything, if that was expected of me
and you could count on me
I would be a hero
admirable and somewhat perfect

It would probably be best to start the refusal with the end of gluttony
and that I would let you live without
having to feed me at the same time
I could also learn how not to be afraid
the darkness and mythical creatures of my mind
we'll consider the trust after that

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