Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time And Change

They wouldn't recognize this face anymore
those who thought everything that show on the outside
is all that there is
the whole truth
Those who thought I was honest
without any lowly lies or deceit
Oh, how would they be surprised
if they only bothered to look

Time does its duty
though surely I haven't changed a bit
I'm just different than I used to be
Does it matter how it happens, the result seems to be what's most important

They wouldn't recognize their old friend anymore
a friend they left behind
a friend who stand on her own two feet despite of them
and learned that she was more complete without
I didn't trick them, they just didn't ask
and why tell something that others don't want to hear
Oh, how they mock me now
when they have lost everything
If only life was a competition

New environment, new part
and you don't recognize a person to what they used to be
I don't think I've changed, time has just past
and everything around me has shifted

How we got here
is their merit and fault
but I don't wish that things had gone differently
because only now I know how unsatisfying everything used to be

Translated by Sith Fisto.

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