Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Suffering is a part of life
because without it you can't know anything about satisfaction
and easy wouldn't feel like anything
But why must it be so tough then
why does it feel impossible to carry on
when everything falls apart in front of your eyes
if it only helps you see
wow well things really are
Why can't you embrace the pain and feel it your own
Why does it kill
sometimes even through your own hand

Anguish teaches us to avoid it
and to see everything more clearly
even if there was no light
And I can't deny that naive people infuriate me
but only because I envy them
for wisdom truly doesn't come for free
you have to redeem it
and I'd rather know less
if it would bring relief to my pains

Why can't you assimilate pain
as a natural part of life and death
instead you push it away
even when you can't run from it
Why can't you just accept it
when there's clearly no avoiding it
If it truly is a part of everything
Why does it kill
slowly and so surely

Translated by Sith Fisto.

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