Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dying lamp

Darkness is absence of light
It´s made of nonexistent
Does all there is to see disappear with the light?

When someone dies
it´s like switching off a lamp
except not with everyone

Some people are like lanterns
lights, beacons, candles
Alone they shine in the dark
where you just have to find light
They generate it by themselves
they´re strong
Some are dim, some bright as the sun
blinding to look at

While others have an ability
be like black holes
sucking all the shiny into themselves

And others have no light, no lack of it
They´re like spots in the darkness
shadows among the others
it´s like they don´t be

I want to be that dying light
I want to leave absence of light behind me
I want it to be noticed
when I die down, when someone turns off the power:
I won´t remain as a splotch in the inky water

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