Monday, July 19, 2010

All credit

My life´s running out so fast
that there´s nothing to catch
when you´re willing to take it
It´s too short, it can´t be caught
It´s too big, it won´t fit in the cage

I´m out of heartbeats already
It´s all credit now
but I can´t pay it back
My heart is flying like a bullet
and it´s just as hard
Don´t reach out to get a hold
it´s all going now, going down
I see it, I know it
but I ain´t stopping

I´m not praying, never make plans
Life´s too short anyway
Let me fly while I still can
I´m unreachable
I can´t be caught

There´s nothing good in this one though. Only lines "I´m out of heartbeats already/ it´s all credit now/ but I can´t pay it back" are maybe useful later on.


  1. Nothing good in this one?! SHAME on you!

    I was just thinking to myself, this is one of those pieces that I instinctively know that I have to quote somewhere, cause it's just too damn brilliant. Of all the pieces I just read through this tops it. It's just brilliant. I love the short lines and how angsty it feels. Love, love love love. There's loads of good in this one.

  2. You like it? LOL. I even thought not to post it at all in the first place. I seriously did because it sounded so bad...

    thanx xD
