Sunday, May 15, 2011


I feel uncomfortable in my body
when the torments of the soul surface
drifting like sunken logs
and slicing through the thin side of boat
I swim deep, deep in the heavy water
all pointless thoughts as millstones around my neck
And all that flows down my lungs is water,
more pain from the outside world
I'm more and more hard-pressed
taking a defensive in my own body

It's hard to be
when there's no solution for your discomfort
and the water gets colder as if before winter
but even when it freezes, the current won't die
Soon I will be wreckage among others with all my pain
as if piece by piece my mind stops fighting

I'm being driven out
by rising the pressure
and I can't find peace within my own limbs

Translated by Sith Fisto.

1 comment:

  1. That hurts to read. Painful... beautiful at once. I really recognize myself in this somehow...
