Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Poet

Even a poet can be a waste of space on the inside
emotions can be imagined, invented, created
beautiful syllables only require skill,
not experience
even though a skill like that can't be taught
But when you find the fountain of the muses
and you figure out how to place your rhymes,
that's all you need, as long as you're believable
You don't need to be a murderer to describe bloodthirst
the most realistic depictions are the ones written by poets
Same goes for pain, love
I don't know anything about those either

Some feel a lot, others feel almost nothing
you feel like you're being hit by a sandbag
it leaves marks under the surface, cuts a swathe
but I myself am not really aware of it
Completely different from the bleeding stabs of a knife

I'm a poet to make others believe,
that the emotional storms are raging within me as well
and I have succeeded in this, as in everything else
Yet I'm a liar, the kind of person everyone despises
Affection, longing
everything can be imagined
like the delusions of a psychopath they rise from somewhere within you
with no basis to reality, to your experiences

When you find the fountain of muses
you only need to listen and let the pen fly
and thus the illusions end up to eternity
while some lunatics take it as the brilliant truth

Translated by Sith Fisto.

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