Sunday, May 15, 2011


Guilt, too heavy to survive it without faltering
without changing to something else
than that carefree creature without shame
that used to be a long way from here
Now that guilt has caught me
and tonight it won't let go
before I have felt all it has to offer
and understood every shade there is

My whole body feels heavy
as my tortured conscience wails
And I can't open my eyes
to face the vision in the mirror
I can break a mirror but not that look
You can't consciously get rid of memories

Guilt takes it toll without terms
it stretches the time to the extreme
and for a moment I can almost reach
myself in the beginning of this journey
almost warn in advance about what's waiting in front
But guilt is a fickle mood
and once again it devours me
this won't end before I surrender myself completely

I could stay here and just stop
sadness oozing from my fingertips
Consciousness is worse than agony
and I wouldn't want force myself
to face it now
I can reveal the lies
but I can't deny the truth

Translated by Sith Fisto.


  1. This is SO beautiful. It reads like prose, like really poetic prose somehow, like it was telling a story. I think I could write a story based on this even. Very inspirational, a real gem <3
