Sunday, May 29, 2011


Going through the smoke
I'll find you in the end
faint screams of help
guiding me there
The flames licking my feet
chunks of ceiling falling on me
The house is on fire
I don't need the police cars
or the ambulance, I'm alright
I just have to bid goodbye
You can't leave
without giving me the last chance

Running through the wall of heat
I'll reach that dim room
It was just a while ago
when we greeted each other
like strangers do
Now you're abandoning me
Wait, I have to say goodbye
so that I don't have to grief later

Through the small crack in the wall
I see you, see you smiling
and inviting me to come further
I'll come even if I can't save us
from the burning pain

Finally Blogger is actually working again, thanx for saving my life Bex! So, I had to write this two times because dA deleted it at first. Luckily I managed to put it back together. Inspired by FT Island's song 'Hello Hello' and it's amazing MV.


  1. You have this way of making your poetry read like they were stories. I can't think of anyone who writes quite like you do. It's always rewarding to read your pieces, you know there's going to be this certain imagery in it, and still you always write about new, fresh things. I don't know how you do it.

  2. And, you're welcome for the lifesaving thing. xD

  3. huge compliments once again... ^^ and I don't know it either, it just happens. but I do write prose after all so I guess that the story-like forms come from there. but yeah I've heard professional writer say that my poems are so clearly written by the same person that even mixed up with other poems it would be easy to pick out the ones that are actually mine.

  4. Wow, that's some amazing feedback you got. Who said it? I agree with it. I think I could pick your poems easily out of a bunch.

  5. it was a poet called Olavi Jama. not that famous though and, how should I say it, strange personality. I think I told you in general what he said... didn't I? well I guess I just left this one particular thing out then, haha. and yeah I agree, I mean, I have my own style. it's not necessarily good thing but not bad either, hard to tell.
