Sunday, May 15, 2011

In Need

Not a word, not a single sentence
not a clue that would reveal me,
a detective in a work he didn't ask for
Even though I know fear, the feeling when you can't breathe
when there's nothing to lean against
because everything falls apart, decays, ends
Even though I know it all and cry
out of shame, powerlessness, compassion
What do I do when I'm helpless
I shouldn't know

In truth what I do is wrong
I've taken the wrong turn, I should return
Knowledge is the master of pain and I proved again
how in reality I'm a masochist
But I do my duty and finish
that what I started driven by fear

I can't say a thing, can't point even with the slightest touch
that I know and understand
and that I won't leave you alone, never
That I share that feeling through you
and will help, help even if it's all I could do
We are damned to silence
because you don't want me close to you
I may not know the right direction
but I'm coming with you

I'd like to abandon my source already
and let things roll with their own weight
seeing how I won't be able to change anything
Haven't I learned that already
But who cares, when you don't understand but want to know
you can't keep the pain away
and once again you're to blame

Yet again I'm back into "I'll save you!" type of poems. Translated by Sith Fisto.


  1. This poem feels so alive... and there's a lot of you in it, I can tell. Such a nice poem.

  2. ...what a compliment. "such a nice poem"? xD

  3. Sorry if that felt underwhelming xD Just focus on the first sentence xD
