Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Law and Moral

Is falling outside of the rules equal to failure
if I wrote those clauses to decorate my wall,
as a diploma from a good try
and signed them by name Perfectionist Over-Achiever
when mine seemed slandering
Is it wrong to break them when I've briefly promised to believe in them
if I know I can't stay within them anymore
without falling apart

Is it immoral increase someone else's suffering, the only one's who notices
hat the twinkle in my eyes is only created by the mirroring light
if I know that the other can't take it anymore when even my own psyche is collapsing
even though that's what I should do to be saved

What should I do with myself?
Promises given only to myself are the most meaningless
but what if I made those promises only to protect you?

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