Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I´ll save the world 2nd

I'm so tired again
of all this feeling
of the inability that drowns everything
When all I can do is spread my arms
if you ask for help
When all I can do is shake my head
if it's about to give in
I lay awake in the nights
drawing my battle plans
on how to save this world and
how to save you

You're mine, my precious
A key to secrets I never knew there was
You're a riddle I'd like to solve
but I fear I cannot do it on my own

I've searched for help
for you and me
and opened my heart and mind
so you'd have a place to hide
hide from this evil world
where even karma doesn't work as they say it does
Good things don't happen to good people
but they have to answer for what the bad people have done
I'm helpless as I watch you die
a death I can not stop
Piece by piece you disappear
until I cannot remember what you used to be
so long ago
when you were still whole, or at least fixable
Every second is a step further away
from you, and there's nothing I can do

Halos are breaking
and angels can't survive in this world
So thank god I'm only human
but you were created too good

I'm confident I can save you
and the world on the side
It has been done before
Miracles have happened
and failure is not an option
as long as failure equals death
My hands may still be bound
but it can't be a hinder
I won't let it be
but be stubborn instead
in good and in bad

I'm so tired
of all of this
But it's not about what I can and cannot
I'll just spread my arms and catch you
Just shake my head and
see your distress from the corner of my eye

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