Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Basic lesson

Did you even notice that I died
Did you realize that it was for good
with no jokes there, seriously all true
I guess you didn´t just see me
like you used to back then
when you still knew me, a bit better at least
Before you learned how to not care
how to not feel anything
when all your beloveds are too far away

Did you recognize me when you saw me
ripping my life apart,
making it too torn to be whole
Or was it just a bad dream
like everything is
when you can´t quite grasp the feeling
of the days passing

I guess you just didn´t feel much
Didn´t feel like saving me
Back then when we used to be like lovers
you would have behaved differently
But then you learned something I never did
something I never wanted to
You learned how to be blind,
how to not mind
even when you lose all you called 'worthwhile'


  1. I see how this was inspired, it seems to be about the exact same thing.^^

  2. yeah :] just wanted to show you :]
