Wednesday, November 16, 2011

That You Would Love Me

That you would love me, let me laugh
betrayal tastes like bad chocolate in the mouth
the disappointment when you don't get what you expected
Your words are beautiful and I appreciate your gesture
but I can't take it as the truth


because it's not normal to cry like that for hours
because it's not normal to fear immediately that it'll fail
because I can't wait for losing you

Because I'll tear apart if I believe
and then cry a little more

That you would love me, let me laugh
to save myself

That you would forgive everything, I hardly think so
no matter how much you'd love me you couldn't accept the evil
that I've knowingly done

you can't give me mercy

because I don't know what I'd do with my guilt
because I don't see any other solution than to continue wallowing in it
because I'm selfish and you shouldn't reward me for it

because I'm crying again
and can't decide which I want more
your closeness or that you would hit me
so that I would get what I deserve

because I fear too much that I'm believing in dreams

Translated by VERY hardworking Sith Fisto.


  1. "That you would love me, let me laugh
    to save myself"

    That's so me, I always laugh things off so they'll be easier to deal with. This poem is so full of power and sadness and beautiful dreams and hopes. I love this piece so, so much.

  2. easier to deal with - or easier not to trust and therefore not to get hurt. But the thing is that I want to believe in those things, I want to believe that someone could love me, I yearn for it. and at the same time I doubt it, I can't believe it could be true. and it hurts.

    thank you.
