Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Am I broken, problems stored in a golden drawer
though would I even notice if they ran free instead
Would that make a big difference
if I already go forward only from force of habit
Inertia, it's hard to stop for any mass once it has stirred forward
is that what recovery is all about,
little by little you start to move on as well

I guess there's some limit on how shattered you can be
There's no way to lengthen this forever
at some point even a reflection will crumble

Am I OK if I know the recipe for healing
I take the help offered and I'm with in the spirit of rebuilding
who can see that I don't believe for one second
that the pieces that slipped from my hands would ever return
Inertia, once you stop it's even more impossible to start moving again
and all your previous struggles go in vain
because what does it matter how great a distance you move,
if the journey ends without a goal anyway

I don't know if I can be crammed into the theories of physics
but can I be more amazing than other pieces of mass
if we all are equal

Translated by Sith Fisto.


  1. I can tell that this has been translated well, because it does you justice, so to speak. Am I OK if I know the recipe for healing... that line speaks to me so much that I put it as my MSN quote.

  2. it really has been, Sith Fisto is amazing. I'll have to credit her in our collection. she's a treasure.

    thanx ^^
