Friday, January 30, 2009

It was me, only me

Feeling so bad right now
Going down, down, down
Deeper than no one should
No tears, my sorrow is too hopeless
No hugs and kisses, I´m too pissed of

It was me, only me
But mirrors are as broken as my eyes
I didn´t see myself while it was done
So it can´t be me to be blamed

Feeling so damn bad
It wasn´t me, really


  1. "It was me, only me
    But mirrors are as broken as my eyes"

    Fantastic. All I can say. Fantastic. (I've always been into metaphors) ;P

    And the ending is truly awesome. :D

  2. "It was me, only me
    But mirrors are as broken as my eyes"

    in contrast to

    "It wasn´t me, really"

    Wonderful job <33
    I like the mirror part so so much :D I should be studying but I got stuck here reading instead, haha. By the way thanks for your honorable mention of me in your profile.

    Comments are worth their weight in gold but... the moment you start to write for someone else your words will lose their power. So keep writing for yourself, and just let it be displayed for the rest of us to see =)

  3. no studying ;) poetry is more important :P

    this was a spontaneous poem cos I really felt really bad. it started from that and then became something totally different.

    again, thank you both<3
