Saturday, December 4, 2010

A legend

It´s been a long time
since we talked for the last time
Bitter words, both hurt
and one of us finally running
turning away
to avoid being revealed

I thought I had forgotten most of you
moved on and grown up
but calling your name is impossible
as I try to share my past
It still has power over me
it still means something more

I tried to act like it was nothing
like the sobs were far away

I have forgotten some
but you´ve become a legend
your story unfolds slowly in my head
as I try to keep it close to reality
it´s fading but not away

It´s been a long time
and I was sure I wouldn´t miss you
now that I have a life
But I´d give a lot to get you back
even for a moment
to see if my picture of you is still true

So, you might even recognize the person/people I´m talking about. I just thought of them after a long time and found it really, really hard. It still is. How odd. How sad.


  1. This poem is soo brilliant. Very Karo. And you're not the only one having these feelings. Maybe they won't ever go away? Maybe all they'll do is fade a little bit. At least you know the truth now and that's in a way better than living in a lie even though the truth is sometimes unwanted.

    Hang in there. <3

  2. crushing truth or beautiful lie, it´s hard to choose between those... I´ve been wondering would I do the same if I knew how it would end. I mean telling them I knew they had lied to me... I don´t know. there are still so many questions left. maybe they´ll never go away. I´ve accepted that and on the other hand, how much do I want to forget? well...
