Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The problem is that you can´t make yourself sleep at night
You can´t close your eyes without wondering
whether you´ll fall asleep now or never
whether you´ll manage to rest or
will you wake up from insomnia more tired than you were

You can laugh and smile and dance
like nothing is really bothering you
You can hide all those sleepless nights and hours
you´ve spent tossing and turning between the sheets
desperately trying to find the Sandman

But the real reason driving you crazy is nightmares
Oh how they make you wish you wouldn´t have to lay down
and leave yourself vulnerable to those creatures
which have no face to punch, no name to curse
Insomnia is actually your friend, your protector

Those dreams will come
when you´re too tired to struggle for your sanity
The dawn will chase them away eventually
still you fear that the sun will not come one day
and you´ll be left there, gasping for air

Still you believe those dreams will disappear
and you can find a way to beat them dead
but there´s no face to punch, no name to curse
no life to kill
remember that, would you honey

Inspired by my fanfiction called Don´t want to fall asleep. You can find it from the DeviantArt: roccari.deviantart.com

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