Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What did you do #2

You´re really messed up,
aren´t you
All the little pieces
in your head
are running away
You´re lost and alone,
aren´t you

Just admit it

What did you do, what did you do?
It can´t matter because you don´t remember,
don´t you

Your heart hurts but it can´t matter
because you don´t feel it
because you are what you are,
a big deadlock,
aren´t you

You happened to do something really bad this time,
didn´t you

What did you do?
I can´t tell but they surely soon will
What should you do next?
I can´t say but they will
Even though they don´t know either

You don´t remember but they will
And they will forever
But it can´t matter because you won´t believe them,
won´t you