Thursday, May 14, 2009

Machine with a human heart

She is walking
Straight, not looking at anything
She seems tired to me, I can tell
She won´t let it show to you
Because she´s a machine

Does she ever sleep
She works, she studies
She´s beautiful
Seems sad to me, you know
She won´t stop, and why would she
She´s a machine with a human heart

I bet she eats electricity and oil
She´s a machine
No hard feelings


  1. I really like this poem. It reminds me of someone close to me who often just seems this way. Like they're walking through life to a set path or that they have to do everything in a certain way just to feel as though they belong.

    Very nice.

  2. thank you ^^ haven´t seen you here, cool to have your comment too :)

  3. VERY interesting idea. Many times do I see people who just don't seem to feel, or care; whenever something happens they just shrug and go on, like nothing happened. Why? Do they think life is too short to stop and worry? Do they try and shield themselves from the world so that it will be easier? So that it won't get as close to them... so that it won't hurt.

    But life to me is about just that. About allowing time to feel. It will always be my priority I think... cause in the end it'll be all we know. What we can look back at our lives and know for sure that we felt.


  4. maybe they are too afraid or they have already felt too much. but I defenitely agree with you.
