Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I´m having my mourning period
In my black clothes
Under the gauze look bloodshot eyes
when I glance up to punch intruders with my sorrow
Only You fit into my mind´s circle

With black lace gloves
I curtain my mauled hands
Blood-seeping fingertips

Whole body suffers from sick head
I cry myself weak
But I don´t want to fall asleeps and
I wait for You to come to this tomorrow

They made me give up our bed,
and Your clothes
But I´ll hold You, even if they cut my fingers off


  1. The very first and the very last lines of this one stood out to me as the strongest. It goes into my favorite list by you. I feel like I'm in my mourning period as well, and it seems like it will never pass. But we never know how long it'll last. Things might not become fine and dandy. But they might become slightly more OK.

    Love, bex

  2. I think my comment disappeared o_O

    I wrote that the very first and the very last parts of this poem stood out to me as the strongest. It pulled me in, very powerful.

    I think that everyone comes and goes with mourning periods. I feel like I am in one now myself. But we never know how long it'll last. Things might not become all sunny in the wink of an eye. But someday without you noticing they might suddenly have turned slightly more OK.

    Take care, becc

  3. I think my comment disappeared o_O

    I wrote that the very first and the very last parts of this poem stood out to me as the strongest. It pulled me in, very powerful.

    I think that everyone comes and goes with mourning periods. I feel like I am in one now myself. But we never know how long it'll last. Things might not become all sunny in the wink of an eye. But someday without you noticing they might suddenly have turned slightly more OK.

    Take care, becc

  4. it didn´t disappear :) it´s here :)
    I like this one a lot too, so I´m happy that you think like that about it :)
